
Photo: Klaus von Matt


Photo: Klaus von Matt


What to see in Haikola

What to see in Haikola

There is in Haikola a number of cultural and historical attractions that are presented by the ethnocultural centre of Haikola.

White (Viena) Karelia is considered to be an area with a great number of famous writers. Works of such writers as Nikolai Jaakkola, Jaakko Rugoev, Pekka Perttu, Antti Timonen, Nikolai Gippiev, and Ortje Stepanov have been published all over the world in millions of copies. They are known in dozens of countries.

Eight generations of local people are buried in the Haikola cemetery. It is one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Viena Karelia.

The village of Haikola is the most intact of the old villages in the district of Kalevala. All of the buildings in the village are traditional and fit the landscape well. The graveyard in Haikola is one of the most beautiful in Viena.

The Literature Museum is writer Ortjo Stepanov's house museum. It has been preserved in a way that It looks like Ortjo Stepanov has left his desk just a moment ago.

Concert Hall is a centre of events organized by the ethnocultural centre of Haikola.

The ethnographic museum of Haikola is situated in the so called house of Ontto. Ontto was a central character in a novel by Ortjo Stepanov. The real life model for Ontto once lived in the house that has been now turned into a museum. It is run by the ethnocultural centre of Haikola.

The granary of Stepanov is the oldest, fully-preserved wooden building in White (Viena) Karelia. In 2015, a celebration of the granary’s 301st anniversary has been planned.
