
Photo: Klaus von Matt


Photo: Klaus von Matt


Directions to Panozero

You can access Panozero by car from two directions — west and east. It would be easier for any foreigners to go to Finland first and then travel to Kajaani by aeroplane, train or car. There is the beginning of Ontrei Malinen’s route (www.ontrei.fi), leading through Sotkamo and Kuhmo, then across the border crossing point Vartius-Lyttä into the territory of the Republic of Karelia

The route continues on through Kostamuksha, Voinitsa, Kalevala and Haikola towards Panozero along the road between Kalevala and Kem. Approximatly 80 km from Kalevala begins a road to Panozero, approximately 18 km in length, which leads up to the ferry across the Kem River. The ferry is available for a limited time of a day and year. In winter the ice route is made across the Kem. There are times in spring and late autumn when it is impossible to cross by car, then you can reach the old village located within three kilometres of the new one.

If you travel from the west, turn off the route St. Petersburg — Murmansk in the direction of Kalevala, and then drive 60 km more until you reach a turn to Panozero. This part of the road is in poor condition almost the whole year, except for winter, and it takes at least half an hour of travel time.

If you have a desire to experience the exotic travel along the water ways, you may book a boat with crew in Yushkozero (contact phone: +7814 54 54448). You can reach Yushkozero by car from Kalevala or Kostamuksha. The distance down the river is about 60 km and takes 4 to 6 hours. The boat makes a trip through eight rapids, offering an opportunity to see a great variety of birds. Thus it may be worth it to take your binocular along!


During the muddy season the village can be reached only by ferry. The ferry’s working time is limited: 7.00–11.00, 12.30–17.30 and 19.00–22.00. On Saturdays, Sundays and during the late autumn the schedule is following: 7.00–10.00 and 17.00–20.00.

The village has its own sawmill, smithy and boat workshop, where log constructions are made for sale: black saunas and small houses. These can be ordered and taken to other parts of Karelia, Finland and farther.
