Now the population ratios have turned the other way round, yet Kalevala still has its legendary fame. Uhtua was officially renamed Kalevala in 1961. In honour of the 100th anniversary of the Kalevala epic in 1935, the name of the administrative district of Uhtua was also changed to Kalevala. When the Kalevala district was merged with the Kem district, the former centre of the Kalevala district assumed that name. Later, the Kalevala district was re-established and it resumed its previous name, yet the village was not given its old name, Uhtua. However, the original inhabitants have always called Uhtua with its original name.
The History of Kalevala Town
Kalevala is the largest village of the traditional runo-song area of Viena Karelia. In Lönnrot’s time, the population of Uhtua (later: Kalevala) was twice the size of Kajaani.
Kalevala is the largest village of the traditional runo-song area of Viena Karelia. In Lönnrot’s time, the population of Uhtua (later: Kalevala) was twice the size of Kajaani...